Monday, December 28, 2009


Even though I'm already at an age where I could be married, drive a car, drink alcohol [not that I want too...] or buy my own smoke, it doesn't mean I can't be seen on kiddy rides at...the local funfair!! Ugaaaaahh!!!

My sister came over from KL and wanted to let her kids enjoy themselves at the local funfair. It was kinda our bad luck we came too early, and had to wait for half an hours. After a few minutes, a downpour sorta crushed our hopes to make ourselves silly in the money-sucking electronic-simple-joy-rides mini town.

But eventually the rain subdued and we went on >_<

Enjoy the bright colours~

I forget to photograph the tokens, so bleh~ The tokens costed RM2 each.

Adam Luqman [yellow trousers] getting a little TOO nervous for a simple train ride around the funfair....which suprisingly went for 10 long, rounds.
1 token desu.

Adam [again] on the err...wheel thingy. He looks like he's going to battle lolwut.
2 tokens.

The guy in black is a caretaker, plz. Not ME =___=

Can't blame Adam for being crazy here XD Lookit all the colours!!

We went on more rides but that's all the photos I have. It was raining and I had to carry Harris, my nephew =___= :

You're lucky you have soul-sucking evil eyes, midget.


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