Friday, June 18, 2010

The Adventure for the Green Tea Cupcake!

Photo from hellonaomi

Come one la, who doesn't agree with this statement? - Cupcakes is the new sensation.

Either you've been at an underground bunker planning a Neo-Nazi revolution or just so busy to care, cupcakes are a new revolution to the pastry industry. Okay that sounds like an essay introduction (with a baka-tastic twist =___=")
Either way, I've seen lately there's this cupcake sensation which involves those birthday cupcakes in a huge box thing (so lazy to sound smart) like these [link] [link]

They are....very...lovely-ish (WTF?)

So....I kinda got caught in the trend oh~
Actually, I have been having this cravings for a green tea flavored things, thanks to the delicious Green Milk bubble tea sold at our local night market every Sunday (we dubbed it the Red Lantern cuz of the red lantern they hung on their stall, it has panda printed on it, cute! >__<")

So the quest begin with the essentials; achieving the green tea flavor. The specialty of the bubble tea I loved is the fact that its slightly tobacco-ish flavored with a very aromatic sweet scent! Its a unique blend really. And I recalled the flavoring the Red Lanterners put in; its a beverage mix! Thus, it must exist in shops.
And it does!

It turns out, the sweet smell comes from the jasmine mixed into the green tea. The mix itself is really great to be mixed with fresh milk! Yay! And it makes your breath smells like jasmine, mmh~♥♥

Since I got the flavoring already, the cupcake quest continues!

I used this recipe for the cupcake: [link]
  • Personally, I don't like this recipe much: the cupcake is moist, and very rich. I was hoping it would light and spongy so that the buttercream would taste okay with it.
For the buttercream, I used this recipe: [link]
(actually I can't find the original one I used, but its the same as the one i provided.

And the result:

Those chocolate laces are self made using melted chocolate piped through a plastic bag with the end snipped.

.....The verdict: both of the cream and cupcake is too rich, which makes the cupcake very...heavy. Means that its not a "stuff-in-your face" kind. Its not really bad though. But buttercream is not good for green tea; it overwhelms it. So maybe I'll try whipped cream next time.

1 comment:

  1. lol.. post more will ya!! im bored of reading the same thing chark!!!
